Category Archives: Warehouses

The Rush is Over, What’s Next?

It is finally Christmas week and things are about to slow down and get back to normal – which is good for your staff, your warehouse and your end of the business year.

But what about what comes next? Does the new year hold any plans for change? If you have been thinking about taking the first month of the year as one where significant changes can happen towards operations, stock control and warehouse layout then you may be already on the ball for the right way of thinking.

How Christmas Worked for You

As this year posed a lot of changes in people’s shopping habits, many warehouses were given much more dependence by businesses even when the lockdown was relaxed and customers could visit in-store again. Many customers had become accustomed to shopping for their products online and didn’t feel comfortable returning to the bustling stores.

As this Christmas has showcased, Coronavirus is far from over and may even set us into another lockdown period in the new year – meaning warehouses may not be seeing that peaceful return anytime soon. How your year has worked with the drastic changes is just an inkling of what may be to come moving forwards, so fast thinking warehouses need to be alert to the requirements ahead.

What went right and what went wrong throughout the year is of vast importance right now, and listening to how your operations have struggled on the floor level shapes the direction you will need to undertake.

Enhancing the Warehouse

It is not always about extending your operations within a warehouse, but more about how you are using them currently. At this point, many businesses had to adapt so quickly to the huge demand for online sales that some areas had to be crammed together or made into a make-do situation.

This could result in stock stored inappropriately or at the end of aisles instead of having a dedicated area on your pallet racking. It also can result in mix-ups with fast-selling stock and slow-moving stock sharing the same spaces, or smaller items stored in the same area as larger ones. It makes for a pretty jumbled up look for your warehouse.

This also leads to worker frustration, affecting their picking times and causing them to have to double back for certain items if an aisle is too cramped or has forklift operation slowing down their process.

New Solutions

It could simply be a case of upgrading your warehouse storage equipment between industrial storage racks that can hold more upwards instead of outwards, and commercial shelving that can store the smaller or less in-demand items in a separate area.

At Monarch Shelving, our team works with warehouses to survey the best possible system of operations and shelving/racking to accentuate it. For the new year, contact our team to evaluate your existing system and how space can be procured for the ever-changing warehousing landscape that is to come.

Are Your New Year Goals Prepared?

Whilst everything is a little Christmas crazy when it comes to your warehouse operations, it can be easy to let those new year plans slip to the back of your mind. If you have grand plans for changing up your warehouse operations, replacing existing systems or just general warehouse improvement – you can still find time to prepare everything with a little review whilst the workload is being carried out.

Many business owners will no doubt look at tech improvements for their operations – such as handheld devices like barcode scanners and tablet technology – as an adequate step up. However, changes to the inner structure in how your warehouse is planned out and assembled is a great benefit also.

Sometimes just listening to your workforces grievances on how things are currently operating on the warehouse floor gives a much greater insight into where things are going awry.

Current Layout

How you currently store stock that is fast shifting alongside stock that has a longer span of life on your pallet racking is of huge importance. It could be that when you had your current system installed, it did the job perfectly back before eCommerce was king.

Now you may find that you are struggling to keep adequate stock levels due to an older system designed for older operations. If you can only stack so high then you can only hold so much – so a new pallet racking system may be the answer.

If you have plenty of leftover space between the top of your racking and the roof of your warehouse, taller industrial storage racks are a great way to improve your stock levels and elevate stock that does not shift as fast as others.

Alternative Shelving

Smaller stock taking up pallet racking room can benefit from having its own designated space away from the hustle and bustle of the busy picking aisles.

Many warehouses recognise the need to implement smaller commercial shelving to accommodate items that are smaller and easier to get lost in the shuffle. Smaller breakout rooms have been a great place to store these items, as well as storage rooms away from the main aisles.

Alternative warehouse storage equipment can also be a much more cost-effective solution than losing stock or looking to extend a building and one that is much easier on the yearly budget.

Instead of thinking ahead, you can think around your current operations – warehouse improvement typically starts around your current circumstances. Contact the team at Monarch Shelving for all enquiries into commercial shelving and pallet racking requirements.

Is Ecommerce Pushing Your Business Storage Forward?

Before the pandemic, the future of ecommerce was already on a huge surge and seen as the next logical step in shopping and consumer behaviour. As the high street stores became obsolete during the pandemic and lockdowns, warehouses and logistics industries had to think fast and take immediate action to circumvent the change forced upon them.

In today’s marketplace, Amazon can provide everything a user could want, and with people getting tired of wearing masks or being around other people, eCommerce is now king.

Feeling the Shift

Whilst businesses and retail outlets look at ways to diversify and bring a better focus online, warehousing and logistics are taking steps to support the changeover. Now is the time when out of stock can lead to complete loss of sale for businesses, and today’s online client is not the type to come back later when stock is back.

The ability to replenish the stock in a fast turn-around and have it as quick as the next day calls for adequate storage so as not to have to claim there is no more room. With this in mind, warehouses and logistic operations need to have a comprehensive review of their current storage facilities and systems, how they work and what processes and equipment suddenly make them catch up with the swift demand.

Review Existing Systems

Pallet racking may need a drastic overhaul to maintain the rapid flow of stock currently flying through your warehouse. The key components to look at is the stock capacity, picking times and aisle space available.

Some stock that you currently harbour could do well with commercial shelving instead, especially if they are smaller stock which is oddly placed between larger, bulkier items. Stock that is large and not as in demand as other stock could be placed in a higher capacity, calling for taller extensions to your racking so that it can be stored out of the way.

By reviewing your current setup and adapting to new procedures or organisation of how the stock is picked and stored, you may be able to eliminate any current errors that are standing in the way of proper operational practice.

Layout Shift

One of the biggest changes you can do within a warehouse environment is improving your overall layout.

Narrow aisle racking, mezzanine flooring and drive-in racking to get larger products from the shelf to the driver in an efficient manner present a lot of possibilities with the right direction and equipment. With Christmas just around the corner, the time to focus on a shift in layout to accommodate the huge surge in demand for products is now more than later.

At Monarch Shelving, our team works with warehouse owners in designing industrial storage racks to make the most of space and storage available to you. Although the future of ecommerce is on the rise, there is still a need for a physical warehouse for storage. Contact us today for your requirements.

Seeking More Efficiency in the Warehouse

As a manager of a warehouse or distribution centre, your prime focus on each season is making your warehouse operations more efficient to create a more structured workflow against the variations of busy activity throughout the year.

Through high-quality commercial shelving and industrial storage racks to better staff training exercises, every minute is either wasted or utilised in making the right choices for a better business.

Your system of management does not solely rest on how your warehouse is stacked with pallet racking or warehouse storage equipment, although that is a huge part at play. The right forward-thinking attitude also comes into play heavily.

Effectively running a warehouse becomes all about communication and continual improvement, and optimization for your business operations can be achieved by many little steps as much as big ones.

Don’t Put Off

Procrastination can be a warehouse’s worst enemy, with many either putting a hold on certain things that need attention from either a financial perspective or just pushing it to the back of the line in priorities.

With stock moving in and out constantly, the need to stop putting off these tasks and act on them instantly is essential. Those unorganised or left out stock hanging around waiting for attention can start to create a sense of clutter or staff confusion if they are looking in the right place for it and not being there because it is shoved in a to-do pile. If it is a difficult thing to stock away easily, consider having it on its commercial shelving somewhere else where it does not clutter up an aisle.

Ask the Solutions

Your workforce is the people who have to deal with the warehouse floor constantly and listening to their feedback, recommendations and frustrations are key to eliminating worker unrest and identifying problems you probably are never aware of.

They may tell you that they are frustrated with the layout of the warehouse or where things are stocked or waiting times on stock being made available whilst waiting on forklifts to unload them. By taking everyone’s considerations in regards to your operations, you will be able to identify the changes urgently required.

Involve Workers in Discussion of Change

Creating a more effective working operation of your warehouse is all about combating bad ideas and providing a solution that is easy to work with.

When you instigate a change in your warehouse operations, be sure that every staff member not only hears why but understands why it is being done as so. This shows that you are investing in them by providing them with insight into how the business benefits, as well as they, are able to work securely and more effectively moving forward.

For more information on warehouse operations, commercial shelving and pallet racking systems to help your business needs, contact Monarch Shelving today.

How Can I Maximise Space in the Warehouse?

Throughout a company’s lifespan, they will face many instances of warehouse space becoming tighter and tighter and raising the concern that they will require expansion.

The thought of buying new space may provide a feel of your company rising in rank, but it also showcases that more needs to be spent which affects the bottom line for the company. Running out of space can lead to bad practices for stock storage – leading to inventor damage, missing orders and all damaging potential injury to staff.

To reduce cramming everything together or paying out a fortune for expansion, you could give your storage solutions an overhaul to make better use of space.

Rethink and Analyse

When your warehouse was configured, it probably was not done so with thought for the future. This leads to moments of chaos as you start to approach maximum capacity towards that initial layout.

By taking a moment to consider some options before everything cramming together, you can discover alternative ways for storage before the room is completely devoured by stock. When a quieter period rolls around for your business, it is a perfect time to plan.

Start with fully auditing your inventory to see what stock you are carrying too much of and what is not selling – it all takes up valuable space that can be better utilised with a bit of planning. Determine what you have against what you realistically need and move all of the surplus stock into storage.

Vertical and Temporary Solutions

By discussing with your staff and evaluating their training to see where things may be going wrong, you can have valuable insight into how much storage you can save or access.

You may find that building up instead of out may be the best solution open to you. It saves considerable money to invest in something that takes advantage of vertical space that is not used currently.

Narrow pallet racking systems can reach up towards ceiling level for more conventional use. Providing your forklifts can reach this level, you can stock heavier items towards the bottom and lighter items towards the top of the items that do not sell as much as those on floor level.

Better Use of Small Space

Another way you can save is by utilising rooms in the building that are not in use to stock small items on commercial shelving or other warehouse storage equipment to make them more accessible for staff.

For all industrial storage racks and office equipment Manchester, contact the team at Monarch Shelving. Create more warehouse space today!

Promoting a Safe Warehouse Environment

The number one concern when operating a busy warehouse environment is promoting a safe workspace through the day to day operations.

Due to the potential for large, heavy items being stored, the safety of staff members is vital in ensuring that the storage solutions and warehouse storage equipment are correctly installed, inspected and to a safe standard, ensuring no one is prone to risks or injury and business can continue to be efficient.

At Monarch Shelving, we understand the risks as well as the benefits, so highlighted are some considerations to make sure your operations and shelving solutions are satisfactory.


The big key in ensuring your warehouse storage is working correctly for your business falls into using the correct equipment. To best maximise space and keep your workforce safe, you may require more compact storage solutions for different products or certain areas of the warehouse that can be better utilised by commercial shelving.

Radically increasing the likelihood of safety in the usage of the right kind of storage shelving, you ensure that your warehouse environment layout provides better access and space in aisles.


By ensuring your products on your pallet racking and shelving are correctly labelled and segregated, you provide better productivity by not having all products stored together in mismatching heights and widths on shelves.

This eliminates staff searching for long periods and holding up orders, making sure that everything is presented in order and easily located. Managing your inventory to this level provides safety against accidents caused by overcramming or ill-fitting products to shelves that could fall from being improperly stacked.

Correct Stacking

The number one cause for warehouse injury comes in the form of warehouse racking collapse, due to it not being inspected properly, installed to standard or collision from forklift.

This makes it vital that all pallet racking is stacked properly for the safety of your staff. Depending on the item there are a few different ways that products can be stacked, such as bagged items in a pyramid or uneven items having plywood underneath for stability.

By making sure that your staff understand through training about removing products from the top of the pile instead of the bottom or middle, you greatly reduce falling products. Also, regular training for forklift and picking drivers on how to navigate aisles safely is required, as well as regular shelving inspections whether an incident has occurred or not.

 Contact the team at Monarch Shelving for all your needs for industrial storage racks.

What is an Agile Warehouse?

Today’s often utilised keyword in distribution and warehousing is optimisation, and it is a process that can be done within days to make a warehouse improvement, or to quickly adapt to business challenges, shifts in the market and consumer buying habits.

Fully transforming your warehouse into an agile resource is the big step to pushing your business towards fully operational success.

Improvements in Warehousing

Traditionally, your warehouse is utilised for bulk storage and commercial goods. Over the last decade, many implementations have been introduced such as warehouse management systems, automation and newer storage solutions to make the business more productive and flexible.

This plays greatly into boosting the business into a more competitive edge as well as streamlining your operations. Having a scaled, correct floor plan of the warehouse layout can be revisited many times throughout your business lifespan, and having an agile warehouse involves planning and installing the right storage solutions for your goods.


Installing and operating flexible industrial storage racks is key to any warehouse operation. Our recommendation would be installing the right warehouse storage equipment for the operation not only in place but with avenues for growth.

Pallet racking should always be measured and space allocated, being sure to leave enough room in the planning for manoeuvrability and operations between the racks. Some systems extend to the ceiling level where the storage of more obscure and specialist stock can be placed, out of the way of more in-demand stock that shifts a lot faster. It is also useful for stock that would otherwise fill the end of an aisle providing risk for staff, picking trucks and forklifts.

Allocation for Smaller Stock

Other smaller products can be stored in smaller rooms via commercial shelving, keeping them away from larger stock items and having their designated area along with other smaller pick items and stock.

By ensuring that your stock does not overrun and you take instinct on providing smaller stock items with an area complete with simpler shelving solutions, you can maximise the flow of your warehouse around racking by ensuring these larger products do not share a space with smaller products that would be susceptible to damage by association. This in turn reduces any risk of damage or injury to employees picking stock around more hazardous large products that could fall and be fatal.

For more information on warehouse improvement, industrial storage solutions and office equipment Manchester, contact the team at Monarch Shelving.

Setting That Perfect Warehouse Design

When plotting out the perfect warehouse design for your business, your eye will be on securing the best ROI  by making sure product and distribution can be achieved in the most efficient, rapid and safe way possible.

Therefore, looking into optimising your warehouse and the various factors to ensure that are key areas of consideration. When it comes to pallet racking, 9 out of ten warehouse owners will ask the supplier straight out what information is required to get a quote for a system.

Considering the Equipment

Having the racking system is one thing, but that is part of the solution. You will need to consider a huge thing when discussing your racking system – space for equipment.

Transporting and lifting equipment needs enough space which may not be ideally accounted for in typical warehouse design, which will then alter the proposal if failed to take into account. When planning any pallet racking project, equipment needs to be considered within the design from the very beginning to ensure you have the right amount of floor space that does not hold up operations.

Breakdown Your Products

One of the bigger factors towards your industrial storage racks is exactly what you are going to be storing on them. This needs to be heavily factored into the planning process.

What needs to be figured into the design is the number of units stored, to dimensions of individual units and the weight of all concerned. These are the basic details required to determine the correct warehouse design for storage. From there you can be sure of individual places and sections being in the warehouse for differing products and categories.

Explore Space and Volume

Your warehouse planning comes down to understanding the required number of pallet spaces for stored products. By determining this knowledge with the above factors, you have the essential foundations of the ideal warehouse layout.

Obviously, the running of the warehouse operations in a safe manner is paramount in importance, so adhering to all HSE advice and guidelines needs to be undertaken and taught to all key employees and workers, including knowledge to keep access points clear.

Ensure Personnel Knows Roles

When it comes to staff working around the warehouse, those who work and operate around a pallet racking system will need to undergo training on how to safely operate around the system.

This includes forklift operators and picking crew, adhering to safety measures of knowing what to do and not to do around these systems, including reporting of any incidents around the system should accidents occur.

For more information on pallet racking and warehouse storage equipment, contact the team at Monarch shelving today.

Maximising the Warehouse Space

At certain points of every year, there is an influx of stock that backs up every aisle of your warehouse, and it tends to be the nightmare of every warehouse manager up and down the country. This is the main reason that warehouse owners are looking for solutions to a more organised warehouse.

In line with expansion, this problem provides the same thought process – you need to get more space. Many directors will automatically jump to the real point; what is this going to cost the business to buy new space? Surprisingly this question is brought up much more than the real question – What could we do to make better use of space?

Some procedures could be put into effect to better maximise your space without the need of extending your operations or property.


If you look over the original plans for your warehouse layout, you will be able to tell if thought for future growth was on the cards from the get-go. Many warehouses were not configured with this in mind, which then leads to a lot of upheavals.

If your stock is pushed up tight against your warehouse walls and stock is harder to find for your workforce, or if you have more levels of damaged stock due to cramming, then simply look at how your layout can be improved by higher storage pallet racking and more streamlined warehouse storage equipment. Implementing this measure will require some downtime so it is best to do it during quieter periods.

Inventory Audit

Having stock that no longer sells is taking up way too much space than it should have.

By undertaking a stock audit of all your inventory, you can determine the stock you have in comparison to what is needed, and use storage space to put stock that is simply using up valuable space that could be better utilised by more in demand stock.

Evaluate Training

If your stock is not stacked to the right requirements, or your industrial storage racks are not maximised how they could be, a lot of headaches and stress can be relieved by simply retraining your staff as to how things should be.

The one thing to combat is staff saying they have not had adequate training on anything within the business, and by providing them with training exercises they will feel that you are investing in them and there should be no problems when it comes to space utilisation in the premises.

Instead of buying a second warehouse or extending your current one, evaluate if all of your long-lasting commercial shelving still meets your requirements or if it can be upscaled for longer and more effective use.

Contact the team at Monarch Shelving today for all your organised warehouse solutions for storage.

Warehouse cleaning tips

With the woes of COVID-19 telling us to wash our hands more and keep ourselves as safe as possible, it’s important to remember that keeping clean isn’t just for serious illnesses. When you run a busy warehouse, health and safety at the forefront of your operation.

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